World War I
Onset of 20th century brought about more suffering to local inhabitants, as they were not spared the destruction caused by WWI. Following the mobilization, all able men under 50 were conscripted to Army. That fact alone caused much suffering, as farms were thus deprived of much of available workforce.
Immediately after the outbreak of the war, Russian Army under command of A.A. Brusilov attacked Carpathian passes. Retreating soldiers of Imperial-Royal (Austro-Hungarian) Army requisitioned everything they could lay their hands on and before the Russians´ arrival set the village on fire. Counter-attack pushed the Russians back on the other side of the Carpathians, but they soon returned back. It wasn´t until the breakthrought at Gorlic in 1915, that Russian Army was permanently driven out of Carpathians. Fighting in the region brought both human casualties and significant damages to property, with 60% of the village having been destroyed. Witness to this is nowadays almost forgotten military cemetary on the site of village cemetery. It contains 15 graves in which 21 soldiers have been buried.
The war claimed lives also in the village itself, when Vasiľ Jurčišin and Pacel Hvozda died during manipulation with an artillery shell in 1922.
When the battlefront moved away, local people built themselves makesift dwellings. Reconstruction of the village lasted until 1923-24, since afterwar years provided little oportunity for work and earnings. Five brick houses were built with the help of the State and the rest, including farm builidngs, by the inhabitants themselves.